
Archway's Grief Support for Year One

Archway is committed to offering support for grieving families during their first year. Please consider donating to sponsor a family and offer them hope throughout their first year of grief.

At Archway of Hope, we reach out to people who have lost someone too early to offer support and welcome people into our community. We offer hope through online resources, blogs and stories, and we send several gifts and personal correspondences to the family during the first year.  Our hearts understand the pain and devastation associated with benchmark dates, especially during the first year, and we believe that honoring and remembering lost loved ones is a valuable way to remind people that their loved ones are remembered and they are not alone in their grief. 

We are committed to writing notes of encouragement, having people available for personal communication, sending remembrance gifts that honor birthdays and heaven anniversary days, and sending keepsakes of hope for certain holidays.

We realize that gifts don’t change anything, but we also realize that remembering the ones who are gone too soon means everything. 

The mission of Archway is to offer hope and make sure no one feels alone as they struggle through the devastation and heartbreak of grief, and we need your help! One way to support Archway and our mission of providing hope for people who have lost someone too early is to sponsor a grieving family for the first year. The cost of sponsoring a grieving family for one year is $250. You can quickly and easily sponsor a grieving family by clicking the DONATE button in the top right corner of any page and selecting that option.